Friday 10 June 2011

Friday 10th June

Today i just feel like blogging. I've had such a stressful few weekd trying to sort out everything for my...BIG...adventure starting Monday 13th June 2011 and ending on the 21st August 2011. I have been give a huge opportunity which i am greatly thankful for of working in a hotel in Spain for 10 weeks, working as an Animatur basically means helping run the kids clubs and 'entertaining' guests. I am so exited but extremely nervous i mean doing all my washing and ironing and whatever else for 10 week, i barely do it at home! scared is an underestimation. I mean i am so glad to be going but just thinking back this time last year i had just finished my exams and i was so happy for the summer to begin so care free and ecstatic that i was gonna have the longest bestest summer of my life and head off to college in September not having a clue what course i was going to do, and look at me now!
Just take one bit of advice from this post...
Don't worry about yesterday and look forward to tommorow.

Jessica Lucy